
Cucumber cultivation towards safety

Update: 7/25/2014

Cucumber is a fruit of vegetables are grown quite a lot in Dong Nai. Growing cucumbers is not difficult, but to have a high yield, farmers should apply some cultivation process of the National Agricultural Extension Center. 
Cucumber adapted to hot, humid climates, temperatures suitable for plant growth is 300C to-210C during the day and 18 at night. Light make left many big fast, fat, good quality. Demand for cucumber water, but can not withstand waterlogging. Proper plant growth on nutrient-rich soil, good drainage and a pH of about 6.0 to 6.5. 
1 / Breeding and planting season 
Cucumber varieties of small fruits, fruit and vegetables to medium, should select varieties with high quality, high yield and pest resistant. 
Cucumbers can grow 2 crops / nam.Vu should first sowing late January to late February. Department after sowing from early September to late October. 
2 / Seeding 
To save seeds, the tree care early stage and increase the uniformity of the tree, the tree should produce foam tray or plastic tray 60x45 cm size with the number 60 socket / tray. Election materials including 40% land, 30% smoked or decomposing husk and 30% composted manure. The above components were mixed well, remove straw, garbage, solid object then filled holes on the tray, and then gently push the loading tray on the high price of at least 50cm above the ground in a mesh material covering the roof with light (plastic or white plastic). 
Seeds soaked in warm water 35-400C for 3 hours, then incubated at 27-300C. When seeds are sown on crack canine cavities, each cavity 2 seed and watered enough moisture. Then every day to water the plants retain moisture for 2-3 days before planting, then stop watering. 
- The amount of cucumber seeds planted per hectare from 0.7-1kg. 
3 / tillage and fertilizer 
Choose high ground, but proactive drainage water for irrigation. Light or sandy loam with a pH of 5.5-6.5. Previous 2 does not offer the same crops they cucurbits. Due to the weak cucumber roots need soil plow, harrow thoroughly, a small, spongy, picking weeds. Up to 1.2 m wide bed, 0.3 m high, 0.3 m wide trench. Once on the bed, furrowing share beds with distance of 60-70cm, 20-30cm from the edge of the bed and fertilizer into the slot with the following output: 
Urea 120 kg / ha of phosphate: 90 kg / ha, potassium 120 kg / ha of compost and decomposed manure around 20-30 tonnes / hectare. How to fertilize, mulch: whole manure, 50% and 30% of the phosphate fertilizer is potash fertilizer into the slot, stir and fill the earth. Then sprinkle a layer of soil treatment drugs to prevent bed surface seedling pests and carried a plastic cover. The use of plastic 2 sides to spread the bed surface (lower face sprayed black and silver face had spread up), carefully insert the edge of the bed and then land two holes with a diameter of 10-12cm. Hole spacing of 35-40cm. 
4 / Planting the fields 
After removing these type plants, diseased plants, turn out fields tray lift out trays slightly election trees and holes smoothed over on the bed. Elected buried secret underground plant and irrigate the original cut. 
5 / Watering, fertilizing 
Cucumbers have shallow root systems which require water. Source of water is well water, river water. Before plugging rigs (20-30 days after planting), irrigation ditches need to soak in water and then drain out the water bed. Regular soil moisture from flowering stage, particularly from the left to increase the quality obtained for the left (as lack of water, often bitter fruit and curved). 
- Combine dressing watering with fertilizer in 3 periods: 
Activity 1: When plants have 5-6 true leaves, fertilizer urea 20%, 25% and 10% of potassium phosphate, draw water to irrigate. 
+ After collecting the first group, 40% of urea fertilizer, 25% and 30% potassium phosphate, fertilizers away from the original, then the original irrigation ditch or irrigation. 
+ Four times 3 times 2 after 7-10 days, draw water to irrigate the balance the rest (40% urea and 30% potassium). Also can add nutrients phosphate fertilizers using manure soaked with water or trash items pass to irrigate crops. If at the time of dressing it rains continuously for several days, then switched to using foliar fertilizer as instructed on the label. 
6 / Care 
Tree leaves 5-6, at the fringes book should be conducted for tree anger. Rig workers cucumber-shaped plug, 1.2 -1.6 m. After plugging rig definitely required, use the top tether melons up rigs under figure 8. Regular job until the trees stop growing (age 3-4 obtained results). 
Regularly clean pick grass in a tree, cut off the old leaves at the bottom to create ventilation for the field. Keep level 1 3-4 stems, each stem to 1-2 just burn results, also cut back to focus on performance nutrition for the body 
7 / Harvest 
When left about 4-5 days old can be harvested. If left to age will affect flowering, fruit set of the next litter, productivity will decline. Harvesting fruit gently to avoid wire end. Contrary to collect in the morning to the afternoon irrigation water distribution end. Left the blooming period, can be obtained 2-3 days / time. 
Nguyet Ha (general)
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