
Turmeric antioxidant

Update: 8/29/2014

Turmeric is a plant with multiple disease preventive effects for human health

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Turmeric is a plant belonging to the ginger (Zingiberaceae). Turmeric contains 4% -6% pale yellow oil, fragrance (in turmeric up to 2.24%) with components including carbur terpenic 25%, and 65% zingiberen sesquiterpenic ketones, substances turmeron, arturmeron; besides curcuminoid substances, including curcumin (0.3% -1.5%) desmethoxycurcumin.

Curcumin is a powerful antioxidant, has the ability to destroy free radicals and carcinogenic enzyme found in food, drinking water daily. Curcumin can separate cancer cells from DNA molecules, neutralize and prevent the formation of new cells without making patients healthy cells unaffected. Recent studies show that curcumin also has activity against HIV.

Antioxidant Turmeric - 1

Essential oils technology fungicidal, antibacterial. (Artwork)

When researchers experimented on mice with breast cancer control and found curcumin inhibits the development of proteins plays a key role in the formation and metastatic tumor spread. In the prevention of Alzheimer's disease, curcumin also proved to be effective.

Oriental medicine that turmeric bitter, spicy, aromatic, pungent, warming, as my experience, only systems, latex consumption, stimulates new skin, the liver, destruction of blood cholesterol. Essential oils technology fungicidal, antibacterial.

So far technology is still good spices, and herbs can be effective treatments are more disease. For centuries, people often use technology as an antiseptic for wounds, burns, bruises and a skin dose of beauty for women, especially after childbirth, healing injured. Turmeric is also used in the treatment of rhinitis, allergic sinusitis.

However, technology is not abused. Technology should also be used dosages should only be about 300-500 g / day. Although turmeric is quite safe dose, but if indiscriminate use can cause abdominal pain and diarrhea. If you need to use compression technology or IT staff as a complementary medicine for health, you should seek the advice of your doctor.


According to Dr. Hoang Xuan Dai (Employees)

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