
Note for canned vegetables

Update: 11/9/2014

Canned fruit for dipping baby is mostly water, salt water can be, syrup or fruit juice. Then processor technology before being sealed box. Finally, the results box can be heated to different temperatures (depending on the type of production). This destroys pathogenic factors leading to food poisoning and avoid canned broken. Canned food can be stored for long periods at room temperature without refrigeration.

Note for canned vegetables
The conventional cooking may take nutrients in fruits and vegetables. However, the degree of loss of what is still controversial. A comparative study between canned vegetables with fresh vegetables and frozen vegetables showed as follows:
- Fiber is found in fruits and vegetables are not affected by the canning process. In fact, the heating process produces more soluble fiber, which helps her body more effectively use it.
- The amount of vitamin A found in canned food for the baby also equivalent amount of vitamin A in fresh vegetables or frozen vegetables. Even researchers also found that vitamin A in some canned vegetables even higher, for example pumpkin.
- An important carotenoids (antioxidants) more useful to the body when heated or canned. Lycopene (found in tomatoes) too. That is why experts believe canned tomatoes nutritious than raw tomatoes.
- Despite the loss of vitamin C during thermal processing of canned fruits and vegetables, but concentrations of vitamin C in canned vegetables still enough for the baby if the term is still used (about 1 year). Fresh produce, on the other hand, can decline over time nutrition.

The advantages of canned food for baby
- Canned advantage when feeding mother (as they are peeled, cut and cooked, depending on type).
- Allow baby root vegetables taste much better, especially those out of season vegetables (fresh is not available for purchase).
- Due to the cleaning process, should handle pesticide residues in canned vegetables greatly reduced compared with fresh produce.

The disadvantage
- Canned vegetables are usually high in sodium. Sodium helps to preserve and keep the flavor of canned food. Some experts suggest that you can rinse canned vegetables to remove sodium cooled boiled water (but this only eliminates third-sodium). Not to mention, washing vegetables can lose water-soluble vitamins.
- Some manufacturers use a chemical BPA on the lid (BPA harmful for humans and many countries have banned the use of it to produce the bottle). BPA in the lining of the lid can leach into food.
- Canned vegetables can contain more sugar syrup.
- Canned food can alter the texture of vegetables should make little difficult to actually feel the texture of the vegetables.

Tips to purchase, preservation and canning for human use

If you decide to use canned baby's menu, here are a few suggestions to ensure your child has food for good nutrition:
- Check the label thoroughly. Look for canned foods do not contain salt (sodium). Choose canned fruits soaked in the water of that fruit, not syrups contain. Even canned vegetables can also contain sugar, so look for those without sugar. Check additives / preservatives other.
- Determine if the lid liner with BPA does not. It is best to seek information from the manufacturer (on the official website of the manufacturer, for example).
- Avoid canned vegetables in sauces because they contain salt.
- Do not buy canned foods that are bulging, dented or leaking.
- Make sure vegetables and fruits in glass boxes with lids not been tampered with.
- The box was opened, should be stored in the refrigerator and consume within 2 days.
- Canned vegetables are cooked, it does not need to cook it again because it will lose nutrients. Instead, the baby can easily warm to eat.
- Should the child uses both soaking liquid in canned vegetables because the nutrients leach into the water may have soaked. You can use this water for cooking soup, making soup, stew baby to take nourishment.

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