
Ginger cultivation technique

Update: 10/10/2014

Scientific name: Zingiber officinale Rose.

They are: Ginger (Zingiberaceae)

The main parts are harvested ginger (underground stems) lying on the ground, wants to develop good ginger, ground to a porous, humus, well-drained soil for planting ginger so often the gardens, the land is located high position carefully tilled, clean grass, dried ai possible. Ginger appropriate in the tropics.

To get more bulbs, tubers to, ginger should be planted in that soil layer thickness. Therefore, in many cases, the ginger plant raised bed to 20-25 cm, width 1.2 to 1.5 m.


Often to loose soil, adequate moisture, fertilizer people 20-30 tons of manure, 300 -500 kg superphosphate or FMP, 500 - 1000 kg of ash, mix well and then to bed. To save feces, usually on the bed and furrowing, fertilizing, mix well, cover 1 topsoil then ditch has grown ginger up manure.

Growing ginger

Ginger is planted with bulbs, we chose the more stem ginger, ginger break each separate branches, each branch containing 3-5 ginger eyes. Clocking section break or cut into ash, ginger bring enough fertilizer plant was classified into grooves, fill soil, soil compressed by hand on face powder, careful not to fill the deep soil, just as was covered ginger. Then use straw covered beds that can husk, dry leaves ... then watered enough moisture. If the temperature is warm then after 5-7 days unfolded ginger, ground resurfaced. If the government is too thick straw, so we should be cutting down trees to grow ginger easy. After approximately 1 month, straw layer formed government will gradually 1tang item porous soil, keep moist ginger. Approximately 1 month after planting, top dressing we add wood ash and potash, a little fertilizer (look at the fertilizer plant) root and earth, watered enough moisture. Ginger fewer pests, but occasionally blight tuber rot. It is best to regularly monitor defoliation, removing diseased plants, avoid spraying more. Ginger planting distance of 40 x 30 cm, good care can be harvested pretty: 8-10 tons / ha.

Harvesting, storage

Ginger is planted 3-4 months can eat the leaves trimmed or do drugs. After planting 5-6 months or 7-8 months if cooler climates, bulbs can be harvested for sale.

Looking ginger, if the whole field with gold leaf, old leaf dry leaf edges to last, we try to find peach ginger knob near land development, color gray roots, tubers thick skin is harvested. If the area of ​​small, light soil can be used picks and shovels to dig, root charm. If the area many cows can plow along the ginger, ginger root and sexy. Cut yourself away for distributed, while the tubers brought to gently and evenly cool place. If seeds, tubers should choose the medium luster, no scratches, bring to class in a cool dry sand or for more clinical, nia ventilated for planting the next season.


Ginger is an annual plant, herbaceous. Typically, 0.6 -1 m tall trees, enlarged underground stems called tubers contain nutrients around the root hairs; tubers and roots grow only focus on the surface layer (0 -15 cm depth).

Dark green leaves are 15 -20 cm long, 2 cm wide, only without the stem loops, and staggered upright, smooth surface, canopy cover is low.

The ginger plant rarely flowers, flowers growing from the stem axis, 15 -20 cm long; greenish yellow flowers up to 5 cm long, 2 -3 cm wide, with 3 petals about 2 cm long, the edge of the petals and purple stamens.

Number of ginger buds are not many sources for breeding and is mainly present.

Ginger is widely planted in tropical regions (average temperature 21 -27 ° C, 1500 -2500 mm rainfall, elevation 1,500 m), with a short dry season.

Land suitable for planting ginger is good soil for plant nutrient demand is relatively high (particularly nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus then), pH = 5.5 -6, arable layer thickness of 20 -40 cm, not flooded and drained soil, humus (use a sharp knife stabbed into the ground, if easily penetrate through the surface layer is porous soil; then draw up, if soil or dark gray bind to cheek knives are rich clay soil, rich in humus and sufficient moisture).

Ginger is a light demanding species tolerant of shade but it is often intercropped layout. However, under the canopy of the tree cover is only 70 -80% yield by half compared to where sunny grassland (top 1 soils).


This process is suitable for building professionals in the field planting methods / fields sunny grassland.

2.1.Thoi services:

In the south, the main crop is planted ginger in the early rainy season (April every year -5); whereas, in the North as in the spring (with drizzle and high air humidity).

2.2.Chuan be like:

Choose varieties: varieties currently grown ginger or ginger Buffalo (local breed), Ginger Lai (Tien Giang), ginger Tau (imported) and especially like ginger pot (grown in Long An) is evaluate promising (like has been center UDTB MOST An Giang trials in Hoi An -huyen New Market in 2005; yields double like ginger Lai in time after 4 months of planting, less infection rot root and leaf).

Prepare varieties: ginger varieties can be obtained immediately after harvest or after being stored for a short time, the amount of preparation required is 300 kg / 1,000 m2 sunny grassland. Choose old ginger (ginger former, the main body of ginger or ginger checked the full 9 months or older), break or trim the roots (light) 2.5 -5 cm long, on each light must be at least 1 childhood eye (dormant buds). Much needs to be dealt with at the original drug, Score, Phatox, Validacine, .. to prevent disease and fungicide. Then proceed immediately planted to ensure viability; or can incubate for up bud and seed planting, this will save the later planting.

2.3.Chuan land are:

The soil should be cleaned, cleared debris, plowing at least 20 cm deep and harrowing carefully porous; then conduct a pit distribution, biological products, and raised bed .. 10 -20 cm, width 40 -50 cm bed surface (plant 2 rows / bed), to flat bed surface and drainage ditches.

For the method of planting in bags / elect the soil preparations were carried out similarly, but the land will be put into bags / election with the appropriate amount (typically, bag / elect 40 -50 cm in diameter) .

2.4.Mat level and planting techniques:

On each bed planted in two staggered rows (type canine crocodile), with 40 -50 cm between rows and between plants 30 -40 cm (thickness poor soil cultivation, planting soil good sir). Place the seeds (prepared in advance) 5 -7 cm deep, eye stem / shoot upward or horizontal direction (with many eyes sprout / shoot), took up government land and smooth hands pressed to land a good contact with the roots, then then cover with the bed surface smooth for.

For the method of planting in bags / vote is grown at lower densities because trees are easier to care for.

2.5.Cham care:

If planted in the light not germinate after 15 -20 days, will begin to sprout roots and new leaves appear.

2.5.1.Tuoi countries:

Should provide enough water during the life of the tree under the general principle of ginger is moisture-loving plant but would not waterlogged.

However, in the course of treatment (especially root rot) in a certain time, the water cuts to curb the spread of pests is necessary.

2.5.2.Lam grass, earth,:

Except spraying or hand weeding on stage 25 -30 days after planting (NST), in conjunction with the 1st dressing and digging, earth, trees. In the following thngs, seeing weeds overgrowing ginger and cabinets must be cleaned around the base.

On the other hand, need good storage area under cultivation, so the animals do not bite down, trample crops. Not to expose tubers from the ground to ensure the quality and commercial value of ginger.

2.6.Bon distribution:

Depending on soil conditions, the state of the plant and the intended use, the amount of fertilizer needed for 1 ha:

Basal 3 -5 tons of manure (feces should combine worms and other fertilizers) and other biological products for the appropriate amount;

Dressing kg Urea + 100 -120 150 -170 200 -220 kg + kg Super Phosphate Potassium at times 25 -30, -100 and 150 -160 90 chromosomes.

* Note: In addition to the above point fertilizing, if ginger leaf yellowing due to nitrogen deficiency may be carried out by spraying foliar fertilizer with urea output 10g / per 10 liters of water.

2.7.Phong pest:

One of the most common pests encountered in Ginger

2.7.1.Sau harm:

Often borer first appeared in the rainy season. Borers inside and eat the small portion, if strong outburst will significantly reduce the productivity of ginger.

Preventing Use of pesticides have saved the result as: Basudin, Regent, Furadan, Kinalux, ...

* Note: When you see borer moth or worm appears at age 1 -2 spraying is done right, if slow, difficult to timely treatment room.

2.7.2.Benh harm: blast:

The disease caused by the fungus Fusarium, lesions usually appear on the tip of the tip of the leaf and fire or burns to the circle or oval leaves. If the disease thrives, fungus attacks the leaf axils, to bulbs, killing both trees.

Preventing Use of drugs Appencard, Bavistin, Carbenzim, Score, .. root rot:

Green rot:

Diseases caused by bacteria persisted in the soil, water, and stem ginger root causes disease and spreads rapidly through wounds caused by mechanical or insect. Blue Ginger is suddenly wilt suddenly at noon, with bright again at evening and died very quickly; softened water body, separating roots and dark; when pulling up, and apical opaque water and odor characteristics.

Prevention: due to the very difficult to treat disease, spread rapidly and cause major losses to problem prevention is necessary and required. It is necessary to implement the following measures:

Immediately after harvesting the previous crop (for soil specialist) or prior to sowing, to field sanitation, disposal of excess stem (source residual disease);

Avoid close or dispose of diseased plant watering down the power supply to prevent the spread, arranged at the foot of arable land flooded;

Basal organic fertilizers, bio-products Trico (in microbiology Trico drugs containing Trichoderma, when dealing with drugs to prevent this plant, the fungus needs time to suit the environment in soil and multiply up more then new antagonists to pathogens in the soil);

Basal lime doses 50 -100 kg / 1,000 m2 of land for processing;

By the same processor type copper fungicide, Score, Phatox with the proper dosage to kill pathogens;

When you see the ginger leaf curl symptoms then proceed Kasuran injection drugs, Kasumin, Starner, .. combined with some special remedy aphids, mealybugs attack as Diazan, Supracide, ..

Reasonable rotation crop to crop pathogens persisted.

Gold rot:

Diseases caused by Fusarium attack on tubers, appearing in prolonged wet conditions. Symptomatic leaves yellow, then fall and die relatively slow; brown spots on the bulb, the bulb has wrinkled and top coated with white silk.

Prevention and treatment: Treating the soil and seeds before planting, use drugs Appencard, Carban, Carbenzim, Ridomyl, Score, ..

2.8.Thu and storage plan:

Depending on the intended use, can be harvested ginger grown from 4 months onwards. Ginger for breeding must be harvested after 9 months.

Carefully use a hoe to harvest ginger root determined to avoid setting (to reduce the commercial value and difficult to preserve); then pull out the dust, shake off the soil, the quality of clusters and proceed to cut tuber.

Ginger should be stored in dry, cool (similar to preserved trees tubers and other roots). The bulbs are placed in crates, pots or spread on the floor, under and around each root layer is coated with a layer of finely ground, dried, 1 -2 cm thick. In the process of storage and preservation, can use some specific chemicals to prevent insect bites out.

Gen. Pham List (WAG, 09/06/2006)


Growing high quality ginger

Ginger is a very high yield can reach 40-80 tonnes / ha (average yield of 60 tonnes / ha). If selling young ginger (planting time is 6 months), then a (1000m2) ginger, farmers received about 75 million (in 2004 prices ginger, ginger varieties current price is 25,000 VND / kg. Yet , ginger often be the type of disease attack, especially root rot (wilted yellow) this is a very difficult disease prevention and treatment. Consequently, farmers are reluctant to grow crops.

1 Choosing ginger varieties:

Farmers rarely available in ginger varieties for home, buy ginger seed from other local farmers switch to easy to buy young ginger, ginger is not the right age to be used as seed (usually about 8 months ) or ginger before it got infected. To determine the ginger was old and could do the same, should observe the following characteristics:

When breaking out ginger, ginger inside the intestine have a dark yellow color. The top of the growth of ginger have pinched waist (ginger is old and faded, the body naturally, rather than using other measures to act as salt spray or foot to pedal up ginger). Growing to young ginger or ginger ginger previously infected will underdevelopment and diseases thrive in the future.

2 How to handle ginger varieties:

Hom ginger seeds stored in cool place, with moderate density and Validacine spray for disease prevention.

Before soaked ginger seeds, ginger seeds cuttings are dipped in liquid fungicide (Topsin, Dithane ...) about 30 minutes, then scoop out the ginger to dry, about a week after it shall break cuttings. Use your hands to break, not a knife to cut or halved tubers (pathogens easily transmitted from roots to other roots, and if the duo when planting bulbs will easily become dehydrated and die). After breaking ginger cuttings to be completed

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