

Update: 1/22/2015

ackfruit is a popular fruit of Vietnam. Jack fruit can be found anywhere from Northern to Southern Vietnam, both in the city and country side. Jackfruit is among the easiest to grow plants and its taste will vary according to the soil and climate condition it lives under.
The size of a Thai jack fruit is relatively large compared to other fruits. Its skin is covered in thorns like durians but the flesh is divided into smaller yellow pouches. The seeds inside each pouch can be roasted or boiled and make a delicious snack while the flesh of jackfruit is the main edible part.

Jackfruit is a popular fruit of VietnamJackfruit is a popular fruit of Vietnam

Jackfruits contain a lot of sugar and calories. They grow on every part of the tree: the trunk, branches, and even on the roots.
Jackfruit trees bear approximately 150 to 200 fruits per year. When the fruit are ripe, their pulp is yellow and sweet, containing a lot or little juice depending on the species. Jackfruits without seeds are planted densely in the Mekong Delta region.

Thai Jackfruits contain a lot of sugar and caloriesThai Jackfruits contain a lot of sugar and calories

Health Benefits from Thai Jackfruit:
• Good source of iron which can help prevent anemia and improves blood circulation in the body.
• Beneficial in maintaining a healthy thyroid because it contains micro minerals and copper that helps in proper functioning of the thyroid.
• Can help prevent cancer because it removes the cancer causing free radicals from the body and slows down degeneration of cells to prevent degenerative diseases.
• Aids in healing indigestion as well as ulcers.
• High in fiber which helps prevent constipation and colon cancer.
• Rich in vitamin A which is beneficial in the eye and skin health. It can also prevent vision-related problems like macular degeneration and night blindness.
• Rich source of potassium which helps reduce chances of heart diseases as it lowers the blood pressure.
• Good energy food because it is rich in carbohydrates – with only a small amount of fat.
• Helps increase the sperm count.

Thai fruit is good for our healthThai fruit is good for our health

Ripe Jackfruit can be eaten freshRipe Jackfruit can be eaten fresh
Nowadays, jackfruit flesh parts are also dry roasted and packaged into a popular snacks. If you cannot enjoy them fresh, take a package home!

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