
Agarwood and Health

Update: 3/2/2015



Agar tea

Agarwood tea is healthy tea made from leaves of the agarwood tree. Recent studies show that these leaves are rich with genkwanin glycosides- natural chemicals widely known as having cosmetic benefits. It is said that genkwanin glycosides are capable of removing mercury efficiently. Agarwood tea that contains genkwanin glycosides has many dietary benefits and is believed to help slowing down the aging process.. Our agarwood tea is made from 100% pure, fresh agarwood leaves. It contains no additives, preservatives or artificial color. It is indeed a compelling product of nature.

Agarwood leaf (daun Gaharu) contains a lot of anti-aging, anti-cancer drug ingredients, and it helps improve one’s look.

Benefit of drinking Agarwood (Gaharu) Tea:

  • Improve Sleep
  • Beauty
  • Strengthen the heart
  • Eliminate state of being drunk
  • Reduce Blood Sugar
  • Reduce Blood Pressure
  • Eliminate Constipation
  • De-greasing
  • Good Aphrodisiac
  • Eliminate Flatulence
  • Eliminate Asthma

Curative Effect of Agarwood Tea

1. Curative Effect of Agarwood Tea on Constipation

Agarwood leaves contain a high proportion of genkwanin glycosides.. Research of scientists in a university in Japan shows that agarwood leaves are expected to aid in digestion. Compared to common anti-constipation medicine,, agarwood tea has few side effects (diarrhea, cramping, etc…). Drink a cup of agarwood tea before bed for healthy bowel movements the next morning.

2. Agarwood Tea is Expected on Prevention of Symptoms of Aging

It is said that the appearance of aging is mostly due by the accumulation of mercury in the body. Our bodies have no natural way of getting rid of Mercury. Mercury does not only cause aging of skin but it can stimulate activities of harmful bacteria living in bowels. This results in constipation as well as the blockage of vitamin absorption. Genkwanin glycosides that are abundantly contained in agarwood leave are known for their ability to remove poisons like mercury. Acetylcholine (ACh) secreted from genkwanin glycosides helps promote healthy bowel movements and the discharge of mercury. Therefore agarwood tea is helps detoxify the body and prevent aging.

3. Effectiveness of Agarwood Tea

Agarwood was used even in ancient Oriental medicine. It is used in natural remedies for sleep aids for children and can help reduce night crying and insomnia etc. This naturally relaxing effect explains why people feel calm when they smell agarwood’s sweet scent.

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