

Update: 4/7/2017


Malva nut tree is a species of tree in the genus Sterculia, native to mainland Southeast Asia. Its seed is used in traditional Chinese medicine as a "coolant", for gastrointestinal disorders, and for soothing the throat. In addition, it is a delicious and nutritious drink.

The trunk is stark, the leaves are dark green. Tall trees is high about 20-25m, hairy branches, diameter 50 - 100 cm.

Leaves are concentrated at the top of branches, leaves with 3-5 lobes in the young stem, oval in the large body, petiole length of 10-30 cm.

Small flowers, long tube.

Red fruit, red face.

Large oval or oblong reddish seeds.

Flower season from January to April, main flowers in March

Season from June to August.

Season: 4 years for once.

Benefit of Malva nut: When soaked in water, the flesh surrounding the dried seeds swells to eight times its original volume. After being soaked and the seed kernel removed, the flesh is mixed with granulated white sugar, ice, and soaked basil seeds, and drunk as a cooling drink in Vietnam. Sometimes, they are also used, along with other ingredients, in sweet, cool soups.


Malva nut is used in tea as well by mixing with other ingredients such as sugar candy, red date, haw, liquorice, chrysanthemun flower, lilyturfroot, and jasmine tea. The advantage of such tea is believed to reduce the "hotness" of the body, and nurture the body.

Sources: wikipedia








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