
Grapefruit effect

Update: 10/23/2017
What effect does grapefruit have?
All ingredients in grapefruit have different uses. Grapefruit, grapefruit, grapefruit, grapefruit have different therapeutic effects. Especially the use of pomelos can effectively lose weight.
The benefits of grapefruit
1. Rich in Vitamin C
As a member of the citrus family, grapefruit is also an excellent source of vitamin C and increases the body's resistance. Pomelo is also an antioxidant, which helps the body fight strees and diseases associated with asthma and arthritis.
Prevent kidney stones
Pomelo contains a compound called d-limonene that prevents the formation and dissolution of kidney stones. In a study by the British Journal of Nutrition found that women who drank half a liter to one liter of grapefruit juice a day reduced the pH of urine, thereby reducing the risk of developing kidney stones.
3. Lower cholesterol
A recent study published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry was conducted on 60 patients who underwent cardiac surgery.
A group of participants added peach grapefruit to the diet, another group added grapefruit and the third group did not add any grapefruit to the diet. The results show that people who eat peanut grapefruit diets will reduce their fat and cholesterol levels. Both types of grapefruit reduce total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol significantly within one month.
4. Prevention of cancer
As we all know, grapefruit is rich in antioxidants such as vitamin C, which contributes to reducing the risk of stress related to many cancers. At the same time, a recent study found that a compound in grapefruit, called naringenin, is effective against prostate cancer, as it helps repair damaged DNA in prostate cells of the child. people. In the red grapefruit also contains lycopene a different antioxidant.
Grapefruit also contains a substance called limonoids, which helps prevent tumors by promoting a reactive enzyme on the liver that promotes the excretion of the toxin out of the body. Limonoids also help fight cancer of the skin, mouth, lungs, stomach. Grapefruit contains glucarates, a type of phytochemical that scientists have proven effective against breast cancer very well.
5. Beauty skin
Grapefruit helps maintain sufficient moisture in the skin, protects against dryness, acne and wrinkles, and psoriasis.
6. Reduce dumb
Grapefruit itself has no fat, in contrast, contains some enzymes that help burn fat. Studies have shown that they contribute to altering insulin levels, thereby affecting high metabolic rates.
Why eat grapefruit fast weight loss?
Not only eat grapefruit fast weight but eat grapefruit also lose weight "beautiful". That means you lose weight but the face is still alive, not to be crushed, not a small round. The special weight-loss pomelo will focus on reducing round 2 and the extra fat accumulation.
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