
Great benefits from fresh coconut juice for baby\'s health

Update: 10/26/2017
Against dehydration:
Coconut water is used as an infusion in some countries where medical saline is not available because coconut water contains potassium and mineral salts so it is possible to regulate the internal fluid and replenish water for the body. Drinking coconut water is an effective way to prevent young body from heat shock and dehydration during hot weather. Coconut water is also used to treat dehydration in diarrhea, flu, and electrolyte imbalance. When children love thirst, coconut water is better for children than canned fruit and soft drinks.
Enhancing intestinal function:
Fresh coconut milk contains high fiber content so it is effective for treating intestinal diseases such as dyspepsia, constipation and acid reflux in the stomach.
Improve immune system:
A great benefit from fresh coconut milk is that coconut water is rich in lauric acid - the fatty acid found in breast milk, a compound the body uses to synthesize monolaurin, a natural antibiotic. Infants are provided with antibodies through breast milk and so coconut water is also good for breastfeeding mothers. Lauric acid is antifungal, antibacterial and protects against other infectious diseases.
Coconut water is also a diuretic and naturally urinary excretion faster. It also helps prevent urinary tract infections and wounds.
Children under 6 months of age have a digestive system so they should not drink fresh coconut . When your baby is 6 months old, she can introduce her to coconut water by giving her 1 to 2 teaspoons of it a day, every 2-3 days.
Do not give  water coconut to the outside for more than 20 minutes because then it  is contaminated and changed the taste.
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