

Update: 5/5/2015

- Origin: Vietnam
- Oil content: minimum 40%
- Impurities: maximum 1%
- County and in other colors: up to 3%
- Moisture: 8.5%
- Packing: as required
Sesame tiny, flat oval is a charming food and almost no chewing in many Asian dishes as well as the main raw material of food tahini and sesame honey jam amazing in the Middle East. They are offered throughout the year.
  Sesame seeds may be the oldest condiment of people - from 1600 BC They are appreciated by the oil can resist rancidity a strange way. "Sesame Oh, open up" the famous saying in the Arabian tale, reflecting the unusual characteristics of sesame seed crust, may burst open when mature. The scientific name of the Sesamun Sesame indicum.
Although sesame seeds are grown in tropical regions around the world since prehistoric times, the legend shows its origins are far more ancient. In the legend of the Atxiri, when you meet God created the world so they drank wine made from sesame seeds.
The basic component of sesame seeds:
the Vitamin
The saturated fat
The single fat
The mineral salts
The amino acid
  Sesame seeds are not only a source of manganese and copper great, but also of calcium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, vitamin B1, zinc, and fiber. Along with these important nutrients, sesame seeds contain two unique substances: sesamin and sesamolin. Both of which belong to a group particularly useful fiber called lignans, and was shown to reduce cholesterol in humans, antihypertensive and increase the supply of vitamin E in animals. Sesamin is also known to have the ability to protect the liver from oxidative damage.
  Rich in minerals useful: Sesame seeds are a very good source of copper, and calcium. ¼ cup sesame seeds provide 74% of the nutritional value of the contract date, 31.6% of magnesium nutritional value, and 35.1% nutritional value of calcium daily.
Effects of sesame seeds:
Treatment of arthritis
At-the-sesame seeds have some effect Reduces pain and swelling of rheumatoid arthritis (chronic form of arthritis increases, causing inflammation). There are so effective is because this mineral plays an important role in the generation anti-inflammatory enzymes and antioxidants. In addition, copper plays an important role in the activity of lysyl oxidase, an enzyme necessary for the creation of cross-linking between collagen and create elastin- substrate structure, strength and elasticity of blood vessels , bones and joints.

Supports cardiovascular health and respiratory
  The research was supported magnesium effects of sesame in:
  - Anti airway spasms in people with asthma.
- Reduce high blood pressure, a risk factor for heart attack, stroke and heart attack due to diabetes.
- Preventing vascular spasm of cerebral nerves, this phenomenon can cause symptoms of migraine.
- Helping women to regulate the pace of normal sleep during menopause.
- Helps against colon cancer, osteoporosis, migraines and PMS
Colon cancer is the abnormal growth of cells in the colon, forming tumors tend to invade and metastasize to other organs in the body. On the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition Journal, Dr. Susanna C. Larsson of Karolinska Institute, Stockholm (Sweden) and colleagues said the recent study showed that "the inverse relationship between calcium consumption and risk colon cancer. "They have conducted research on the relationship between calcium consumption and risk of colorectal cancer in 45 306 Swedish men from 45-79 years old and have never had a history of cancer thu.Trong 6.7 the following year, a total of 449 patients with colon cancer. The researchers discovered disease risk in people who consumed the most calcium - such as sesame seeds have low levels of calcium cao- than 32% compared with those who consumed the most calcium little.
  Also, in a recent study, the calcium has the following benefits:
Protect colon cells from cancer-causing chemicals.
Against bone loss as a result of menopause or due to certain conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis.
Against the migraine.
Reduce PMS symptoms in the luteal phase-2nd stage of the menstrual cycle.
Creating good bones
One reason for the older man using zinc-rich foods such as sesame seeds in bone mineral density. Although postmenopausal women are at risk for osteoporosis highest, but it is also a potential problem for older men. Nearly 30% of all hip fractures occur in men, and every 8 out of 50 men, there are 1 people with osteoporosis fractures. A study of 396 men from 45-92 years of age in the publication American Journal of Clinical Nutrition month 9/2004 showed a clear correlation between low dietary zinc absorption, low blood levels of minerals in the stock osteoporosis at the hip and spine.
Reduce Cholesterol
Phytosterols are compounds found in plants, has a chemical structure similar to cholesterol, and with a sufficient amount in the diet, it is thought that it may reduce the level of cholesterol in the blood, increases the immune response services and reduce the risk of cancer.
The beneficial effects of phytosterols miracle that they have been extracted from soy, corn, pine oil and add the processed foods, such as substitute butter spreads, and then offered as a food low in cholesterol.
Benefits of diet with sesame relative to the level of tocopherol dich
The tocopherol, precursor of viamin E, is believed to play a role in preventing diseases of human aging such as cancer and heart disease, some understanding of the phenomenon that is related to factors decision of the relative concentrations of the services tocopherol. The signals from the animal studies suggest that dietary γ-tocopherol may affect the level of tocopherol translations as well as the effects of activated vitamin E. To determine whether the level of service equivalent of tocopherol in the human body is transformed, a study done by the subjects (n = 9) fed wafers containing an equal amount of g-tocopherol from sesame seeds, walnuts and beans soy.
  The researchers found that the consumption of at least 5 mg g-tocopherol per day for 3 days from sesame seeds, not from walnuts and soybeans, has increased the level of serum g-tocopherol (19, 1%) and reducing translations b-tocopherol (34%). Without any change in the level of intervention translations of cholesterol, triglycerides, or caroetnoid. All subjects were fed sesame seeds in wafers were found to be relatively fluid sesamolin lignans. A diet with adequate levels of sesame seeds has increased relative dich g-tocopherol and alter the ratio translations tocopherol in the human body, thereby increasing the biological activity of vitamin E.

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