
Ginger, It is indispensable in your kitchen, in your life.

Update: 7/19/2017

Ginger, It is indispensable in your kitchen, in your life.

Ginger is one of those ingredients that can be many things to many people. Not only is it used in cuisines around the world, but it also comes in a variety of forms—fresh, pickled, dried.

Benefit of ginger:  the brightness that minced fresh ginger adds to Chinese stir-fry, or the refreshing tang of pickled ginger served with sushi. Rarely used as the sole flavouring in recipes, ginger often combines particularly well with the warm spice notes of cumin and coriander in savory preparations..

Feeling airsick or nauseous? Ginger can help.

Haven’t been feeling hungry? Eat a little fresh ginger just before a meal to inspire your appetite and activate your digestive juices

Stir up some ginger tea to get rid of throat and nose congestion, can do warming body and The benefits of this tasty tea are even greater!

Haven’t been feeling hungry? Eat a little fresh ginger just before a meal to inspire your appetite

With garlic, mustard seed, turmeric,... and ginger are The specialty spices. It is indispensable in your kitchen, in your life.

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