
India will eliminate import tax on rice bran from 1/10/2013

Update: 8/8/2013

Indian Finance Ministry said since 1/10, this country will eliminate import tariffs - currently at 15% - with rice bran and rice bran oil cake.

Accordingly, India may import rice bran return from neighboring countries such as Pakistan and Bangladesh.

He BVMehta, Executive Director Association of Solvent Extractors Association of India (SEAI), estimates India will import about 50,000-100,000 tonnes of rice bran from neighboring countries, depending on the price.

Earlier, the Indian company does not import rice bran by high tariffs at 15%.

Therefore, SEAI Association recently urged the government to reduce taxes to increase the attractiveness of rice bran products imported to meet the demand for increased domestic oil and rice bran.

According to data from industry bran oil, commodity production in India is about 900,000 tons / year. In which 300,000 tons are used for direct processing into cooking oil and the rest is mixed with vegetable oil and other oils.

In India, rice bran oil demand is increasing because it is seen as a cooking oil is healthy and affordable.






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