Agricultural News

  • US to import Vietnamese fresh Star Apple fruit
    Star apple fruit is the fifth Vietnamese fruit being exported to the US. The US Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) has officially allowed the import of fresh star apple fruit from Việt Nam into the US.
  • Are Cashews Good for You?
    Cashews have a buttery, sweet, and salty taste, an unmistakable shape, and they are an excellent source of vitamins and minerals. They grow on cashew nut trees, which are native to subtropical climates.
  • How to Apply Aloe Vera Gel on Your Face
    Many people keep aloe vera plants at home and use the thick, clear gel inside the leaves to help soothe burns and heal wounds. Health-care practitioners use aloe vera to treat skin disorders, wounds, sunburn, radiation burns and dermatitis, according to Deanne Tenney and Rita Elkins, authors of “Aloe Vera.” Regularly applying aloe vera gel to your face can help make your complexion clearer and smoother and reduce inflammation. Many health food stores and pharmacies sell aloe vera gel, but gel extracted from the plant is both fresh and economical.
  • How to Choose a Dragon Fruit
    Dragon fruit, named for its vibrant, spiky skin, is sometimes known as pitaya and is primarily grown in Mexico and Central and South America. Dragon fruit can also be found in Asian countries, such as Thailand and Malaysia and is a staple for Asian-inspired cooking. If you want to experience the sweet, seedy flesh of dragon fruit yourself, your best bet is an Asian market. There, you can examine the fruit to choose one that is ripe and ready for eating.
  • 10 Amazing Health Benefits of Cucumbers
    If you’d like to make your diet healthier by adding more vegetables to your meals, cucumbers are a great choice. Cucumbers are widely used in traditional diets as well as spas across the world for a reason: They are good for health. In this research paper alone, cucumbers are said to have the following benefits: potential antidiabetic, antioxidant activity, cleansing action of toxins and waste, soothing effect against skin irritation, and prevention of constipation. And here are 10 health benefits of cucumbers in more details.
  • Turmeric and Diabetes: 10 Ways Turmeric Can Help
    One diabetes medicine may lower blood sugar and cholesterol, protect your eyes and kidneys, relieve pain, prevent cancer, and improve your sex life. It also tastes good. This medicine is turmeric, made from the root Curcuma longa, a member of the ginger family. About 2% to 5% of turmeric is the yellow/orange powder called curcumin, which gives curry powder its beautiful color. The taste has a bite to it, but with the right recipe, you’ll love it. Or you can take capsules.
  • Vietnam targets vegetable, fruit export value at US$3 billion
    Vietnam expects to achieve 3 billion USD in its total export value of vegetables and fruits this year.
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