
The effectiveness of the turmeric model planting

Update: 8/8/2014

Department of Agriculture and Rural Development Tien Du district technology deployment model plant with an area of ​​4 hectares in the villages and rural Ren Canh Hung Nghia Commune The Commune Ming Dao. After an experimental technology harvested, average yield of 40 tonnes / ha, income of 250 million VND / ha.

Growing technology for incomes between 250 million VND / ha.
Participation model, people are 100% support and advice like how to plant and care for the right technology engineering processes. After 9 months, the technology to harvest an average yield of 40 tonnes / ha. After implementing the model, Division 2 and local leaders to coordinate with Pharmaceutical Corporation Bac Ninh entire purchasing commercial technology. Technology for high yield, it can be intercropped with other crops such as peanuts, planting and care techniques are not difficult, for the high economic value, stable consumer market has created trust, the excitement farmers.

For trees growing technology, well-developed, high-yielding planting and care needs in accordance with the specifications. Density: The distance 50-20 cm, then to 1 m wide beds, planted two vertical rows, 50 cm between rows and 20 cm between plants. If planting distance 40-30 cm, the bed surface width of 1.2 m, planted between rows 40 cm, 30 cm between plants. Planting: Dig deep cavity 10 cm, finely ground below the cavity thoroughly, put down crushed turmeric for soil contact is then coated with a layer of compost mixed with soil thickness of 5-7 cm, watered and then covered with a thick layer of straw moisture.

Fertilizer for 1 pole technology: Manure 300-400 kg urea 15-18 kg, 30-35 kg of phosphate phosphorus, potassium 3-4 kg. Basal whole manure, phosphorus and potassium 1-1.5 kg. When technology is a tree about 30% urea 500g mixed in a 20 liter container irrigation. Watering 2-3 times, each separated by 4-5 days. When you see dust technology from 2-3 seedlings conducted dressing 7 days with a dose of 1-1.5 kg of urea fertilizer from the original 10 cm. Each month weeding and hoeing combine around the root to prevent compacting the soil. The remaining amount of potassium fertilizer in 90 days after planting. When plants from 3-4 seedlings / dust mixture of 50% soil and 50% compost to earth, about 5 cm thick. When you see young emerging roots continue to cultivate the ground was the original. In particular, the technology tree seedlings have 3-4, the same technology can recover. The rate of capture technology by about 80% of the same technology.

Turmeric can be intercropped with other crops while taking advantage of the area cultivated ground at new technology, just to help keep moisture and shade technology. Ren village, Canh Hung commune many people with peanut intercropping. After 3-4 months for harvesting peanuts, technology began to enter a period of growth and development tubers. Save Dac Manh's family is one of the model farmers, said: "My family planted peanuts mixed technology with nearly 2 pole estimates. After nearly 4 months of lost productivity harvested more than 1 kg / sao, interest income minus costs over 1 million VND / sao. Turmeric after 9 months to harvest, yield of about 1.5 tons / swallow, old technology is purchased to take the field, except for interest income over cost 10 million dong / sao. My family will be expanded acreage in the coming season. "

Mr. Nguyen Dinh Phuong, Head of Agriculture and Rural Development, said: "From the initial success of the model, the next time Division will conduct trials in other regions, contributing to the restructuring of crops, raising high economic value in a farming area. "

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