
Improve the productivity of maize

Update: 8/20/2014

Grow maize, fertilizers create floral flags and parts of corn - corn yield decisions.
  Corn plant (scientific name: Zea mays Gramineae L.thuoc sedges) in our country has been attached to the development, especially after the second winter maize crop in the Red River Delta provinces and corn spring summer collection winter in the northern mountainous provinces.

Growth and development of corn divided into 2 stages:

* Vegetative growth stage: From germination, vegetative tissues to occur in the reproductive organs.

+ Germination period (from sowing to 3 leaves):

- Depending on the nutrients of the endosperm.

- After 3 leaves, nutrient in the endosperm, seedling transition from living in nutrition to find food particles from the soil and nutritional supplements.

+ The period from 3 leaf to differentiate flowers:

Corn plants need soil moisture from 65-75% porous enough oxygen for root growth ... need adequate nutrition. Dressing up the stage at the 3-4 leaf.

* Growth stage generative: Leaves and reproductive organs thrive - a delicate appearance.

+ Period fertilizer flowers - flowering flag:

Grow maize, fertilizers create floral flags and parts of corn - corn yield decisions. Burning leaves and rapid growth - the end stage exit from cotton flag leaf sheath. Need dressing, combine soil and cultivate corn rows up.

+ The period of flowering (flowering flags, tossing chalk, spray beard):

Takes place in about 10-15 days, focusing hybrids between 7-10 days. Maize pollen release, receiving pollen, fertilization. Appropriate temperature 22 - 28 degrees Celsius, the temperature <13oC and> 35oC pollen lose vitality and die. Air humidity is 80% proper, appropriate soil moisture 80% moisture saturation.

+ Period of nine (nine fertilized):

This period lasts 30-45 days depending on varieties, including:

- Nine of milk (10-15 days),

- Nine wax (10-15 days),

- Nine completely (10-15 days).

Maturity, the transport of nutrients from leaves to seeds; role of leaf photosynthesis is important, 60-80% of the products of photosynthesis from the leaves to the grain transportation; temperature requirements during this period is 20 - 25 ° C, soil moisture is 60-70% moisture saturation.

 Soil and corn planting season


Land maize

Maize adapted to many different soil types, it can be grown on land feralit feralit and alpine humus in Quan Ba​​, Ha Giang.

Corn grows well and high yield on a black ground limestone (Na plateau, Moc Chau, Son La), and high-yielding maize on soil developed on basalt in Dak Lak. In plain corn can be planted and higher yields in river sediment, soil, alkaline soil after two rice crops. Many corn is grown on an area of ​​mudflats along the river.

Giong and corn planting season

Maize is widely distributed across the country, depending on the climatic conditions which the various maize planting in the area but mostly the main crops of spring, spring-summer and autumn-winter.

The maize

The maize seeds were distributed among 6 groups: open-pollinated varieties of corn, conventional corn hybrids, not conventional corn hybrids, corn, corn, corn sugar and vegetables. Each time the same students in different schools in the crop year.

Here are some maize varieties are now grown in popularity during the winter growing period as follows:

* Group pollinated maize varieties

* Team conventional corn hybrids

* Group non conventional maize

* Group glutinous corn

* Group corn sugar

* Corn Vegetables


Corn Planting season winter

- Harvest sown in late July early August.

- Service revenues in the mountainous east sown before 25/8 for high yield.

- The winter should be planted before the end of the day 30/9 (the latest for the same 5/10 short days). For the northern winter if sown after 20/9, they must vote.

Dr. Bui Huy Hien -

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