
Cassava flour processing utility

Update: 10/28/2014

Tapioca utility and processing - flour from cassava tubers are rendered, after grinding, the powdered extract, dried. With sweet spicy, cool calculation; Kudzu is used as a medicine for fever, headache, thirst, pimples. Cassava tubers can be processed directly ripe to eat. Tapioca often to mixed drinks, tea, cooking ..

Cassava flour processing utility

Tapioca (called a sand based medicine) spicy sweetness, the average, there are detoxification, waste heat. It is used to treat fever, heat in the mouth, fever, headache, thirst, bloody dysentery away. On using 8-20 g. Most of the cassava plant parts have been used in Eastern medicine as: - Cu (sand base): sweet spicy, cool calculation; can treat fever, sweating, cure measles does not grow, annoying apple, thirst, headache, dysentery ... - powder (powder sand): The sweetness, the very cold, with heat effect, except annoying; used to treat troublesome heat, thirst, board nhiet.- States (sand flower): slightly bitter sweetness, the cooler; effects of alcohol detoxification and treatment of fever, anorexia, vomiting, the sour, drew blood ...

Here are some specific applications:

- Bleeding from the nose all day non-stop, mental depression: pound of fresh cassava roots, squeezed juice, drink a cup every child.

- Snakebite: Pounding cassava leaves fresh squeezed drinks, residue cover up where the snake bite.

- Wounds are bleeding: Use leaves fresh cassava pound, up into the wound.

- Inflammation of the intestines, abdominal pain, diarrhea like dysentery, ravenous, upset, vomiting from drinking the wrong medication or the intense heat: Use oral tapioca harassment; or sand base 30 g, 20 g pennywort pound, processing more water, squeezed juice drink during the day.

- Infants pursed mouth, drooling, not to feed: Get a piece of wire Kudzu carbonize, finely ground, using about 3-5 g powder mixed with milk, a small child into her mouth. Doing so few children will open your mouth and suck.

- Chest heat, constantly drew blood: pound of fresh cassava roots, squeezed drink 500 ml.

Also Kudzu also associated with one of the other medications to treat the disease.

- Bleeding from the nose all day non-stop, mental depression: pound of fresh cassava roots, squeezed juice, drink a cup every child.

- Inflammation of the intestines, abdominal pain, diarrhea like dysentery, ravenous, upset, vomiting from drinking the wrong medication or the intense heat: Use oral tapioca harassment; or sand base 30 g, 20 g pennywort pound, processing more water, squeezed juice drink during the day.

- Chest heat, constantly drew blood: pound of fresh cassava roots, squeezed drink 500 ml.

Kudzu can be used in combination with some other herbs

- Anti-itch sweat: manioc flour 5 g, 5 g natural flower pollen, 20 g talc, mix well, sprinkle damp places itch.

- Feel the sun, fever, headache, thirst, sweat, ache, vomiting: manioc flour 12 g oral Republic; or sand base 20 g, beans (star) 12 g, pounding bruise, water color during the day.

- The hot chest rumbling stomach, thirst: manioc flour 120 g, 15 g of rice. Glutinous rice soaked overnight, chat away water, mixed with cassava flour, porridge eaten in days.

- Food poisoning, bloody bowel by eating hot food, toxic: fresh cassava roots, lotus No. 2 pound fresh, squeezed juice 500 ml each, mix well, drink slowly.

The house is his home production tapioca marinated grapefruit flowers at home, providing a 1 type finest, do not mix any one any impurities, pulp can be dried for 2 ~~> 3 years. Long reputed, who eat the food proving hard to DC and other places.

Price your existing home product is: 120 000 VNĐ however prices are updated continuously so you do always need can contact directly via ym or SDT have on the site to get special prices nhat.Dac standards purchase amount will be pretty hard to buy for preferential prices.

Hot season, take a little manioc starch mixed with cooled boiled water to drink will help you to heat, sweating cure, become irritable, increased body temperature ...

Kudzu scientific name: Pueraria thomsoni Benth., Also known as orange sand base, sand base, powder sand, white sand.

Department of Kudzu root is used, also for medicine. Cassava root tubers develop into long and to harvest, semi-processed (washed soil, remove the outer skin, slice ...), then dried and dried up. Fresh cassava tubers dehusked, soaked in water for some time, sticking sour water, strained, white flour, dried out.

Herbalist Nguyen Duc Nghia (HCMC Medicine Society) said: On the market there are two types of Kudzu: Kudzu roots dried, thin blade of Oriental medicine commonly used drugs and cassava starch. Cassava starch products have sold everywhere, but buy at the factory or shop reputation, ensure hygiene and safety in order to avoid confusion with the phony powder, fake.

According to traditional medicine, sweet cassava, the average, the cooling function, the expression, new student service, just thirsty, treatment effects flu, fever, measles new, go li blood, thirst water boils.

Below, please recommend to your readers using Kudzu simply follow the instructions of the physician Nguyen Duc Nghia:

Regarding dosing: 8-10g used as excellent drink, used alone or in coordination with other herbs. Hot season, sweating, restlessness, irritability, increased body temperature: Using wireless 6-10g starch mixed with cold water or add sugar to drink very well. Depending on the condition and age of each half dose may be reduced or increased. With young children, children should drink nine lives better shot.

Here is a creamy tapioca processing. If you have digestive problems, you will find effective even if taken one hour before meals.

Note: When processing hot cooked, then let cool a few minutes and eat, eat hot.

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