
É seeds

Update: 11/6/2021

In the summer drinks, the ones you see most often are the seeds that people put in water or tea, right? It's actually a seed! Basil seeds added to tea or water not only help add color and flavor to dishes. But it also has a lot of nutrients that are good for the body! Not to mention the seeds are also used as a kind of treatment material.

Sesame seeds

Sesame seeds

Basil seeds are extremely popular, but their uses are quite unknown. Not to mention how to use them to cure diseases. Except for the food. So how to use basil seeds for the best healing results? Please read the article right here!

1. What is a seed? Origins, characteristics and notes

Nowadays, é seeds appear a lot in tea or soft drinks. Indeed, it is very delicious and delicious every time you sip it. But if you ask how the basil tree is, many people will probably shake their heads! So what does the elm tree look like?

1.1 What do basil seeds look like?

In addition to the name é seeds, many people also call them é seeds. It makes no difference. Maybe people also call it basil! Its full scientific name is Ocimum basilicum. 

At first glance, basil seeds and sesame seeds are quite similar. They are all black and this pretty little. But the only difference is that sesame seeds are a bit more fleshy. And é seeds when they meet water will swell and look very good. 

In Vietnam in particular or in many countries in the tropics in general, basil seeds are often added to snacks. Like tea or soft drinks. A few delicious dishes must be mentioned such as dew of é seeds, aloe vera seed juice, ...

Because basil is also called basil. That's why many people mistake it for basil. In fact, these two trees are completely different! The purple basil tree has both the stem and the purplish red fruit. The leaves are often used as raw vegetables when eating heart or bun cha.

Characteristics of é seeds

Characteristics of é seeds

1.2 Where are basil seeds found? How to harvest and process them?

As I said, basil seeds are often added to refreshments in tropical countries. Also because here é seeds are available and in abundance. In Vietnam, seeing its potential, people have considered it as an economic and planning tree, planted in a region.

It takes only 90 days from planting to harvesting. Harvesting is simple. Just cut down the tree and then dry the crossbow. Then put everything into the machine to only remove the seeds.

Fresh basil seeds will be dried and preserved. Only when preparing the food, only bring it to use. Or make medicine.

1.3 Basil seeds in Oriental medicine

In Oriental medicine, basil seeds have welding properties. Therefore, its heat dissipation is very good. In addition, people also use basil seeds to treat some diseases such as vomiting blood, red eyes, boils. In addition, it also improves the condition of constipation, helping the throat to be more open. 

According to Western medicine, this is a seed with a large amount of mucus. That's why it's so good for health. It not only improves health but also prevents a number of diseases. For example, heart disease.

Distinguish é and chia seeds

Distinguish é and chia seeds

1.4 Distinguish é seeds and chia seeds?

If you look at the outside, many people will mistake é and chia seeds for 1. But in terms of use, both of these two types have similar features. Therefore, many people mistakenly think. But in reality, these two types of seeds are different!

If you want to use the right é seeds to make dishes, there are a few things to remember! The purpose is to distinguish the two types of seeds from each other!

Compared to é seeds, chia seeds are slightly smaller. But if you don't pay attention, it will be difficult to know. There are two types of chia seeds, black and white. For black seeds, it is easier to see white stripes along the grain. Compared to the shell, the seeds are hard black, not shiny like chia seeds.

If you have these 2 types of seeds in hand, it is quite easy to distinguish them. Just soak them in water. If the seeds meet water, they will swell. Around the seeds there will be a layer of mucus and the seeds separate from each other. While chia seeds are not like that. They also have a slimy layer and the seeds stick together.

And you need to remember one thing that chia seeds are much more expensive than basil seeds. Because chia seeds are originally the seeds of the plant Salvia hispanica – a member of the mint family. And this tree is only available in the US or Australia. When imported to Vietnam, of course, it is more expensive.

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2. What are basil seeds used for? Learn about the effects of é seeds

Although it is a type of seed that is often added to tea or cakes, few people know that basil seeds are also very beneficial for the human body! So what are those uses? 

1. Helps the resistance to be healthier

In the seeds there are many vitamins and minerals necessary for the human body. Together, these compounds form a membrane to protect the body from bacteria as well as harmful agents.

From there, it helps to increase your resistance significantly. If you want to improve physical strength, use é seeds. And of course with sick people, or sick people, the more you should use é seeds.

2. Cardiovascular protection

Basil seeds help you prevent the risk of cardiovascular diseases or blood fats. This has been studied by experts. Because basil seeds have strong water-absorbing properties. In addition, the fiber content is relatively high.

When you take basil seeds, your body will automatically need to absorb more water. This helps in easy digestion. Excess and toxic elements are also quickly pushed out of the body. From there, it helps your blood fat to be stabilized at a safe level.

Echinacea in the wild

Echinacea in the wild

3. Cools the liver, cools down, detoxifies

It can be said that this is the most common use of é seeds. With Oriental medicine, basil seeds help clear heat and detoxify well. Because it has a bitter taste. In addition, it also helps the throat to be more comfortable, reducing vomiting blood or urinary tract infections.

That's why doctors recommend that you use basil seed juice in the summer to cool your body. Moreover, it also helps in better health.

4. Stabilize blood sugar

This use of é seeds is very little known. Because it clears heat and detoxifies well, it will eliminate excess waste from the body quickly. Moreover, basil seeds will help your body control the amount of sugar in and in the body.

Every day you put a little bit of basil seeds in warm water and wait for the seeds to bloom, then drink. You can drink it alone or add a little sugar. Rest assured that it does not affect the body.

5. Highly effective in weight loss

Because of the high fiber content in basil seeds, it will keep you full for a long time. That reduces the feeling of wanting to load something into the body. At the same time, basil juice also makes your body lack of water and you need to replenish water more. From then on you no longer want to eat any more. Therefore, you will always have a stable weight. So if you want to lose weight, don't forget about the seeds!

6. Improve sleep quality

Basil seeds are like a natural sedative that is safe for those with insomnia, nervous tension. This has been tested on many. When using basil seeds, they feel much more relaxed. Nerves are not tense. Sleep came much faster and deeper than before. 

7. Beautify skin

The mucilage in basil seeds is not a useless thing. It works to help your skin slow down aging. Not only that, basil seeds always help your skin stay moist. As a result, wrinkles will take longer to appear. Therefore, it can be said that this is a beauty potion for our sisters, right?

8. Add fiber to the body

With an abundant amount of fiber, the user's body will not worry about lack of fiber when using basil seeds anymore. Not to mention, thanks to basil seeds, your intestines absorb cholesterol at the lowest level.

9. Helps the digestive system better

The seeds are soldered. At the same time it is high in fiber and nutrition. So your stomach doesn't have to work as hard to digest food. Therefore, gastrointestinal diseases are also much less common.

10. Maintain stable estrogen levels

Basil seeds have the ability to stabilize the amount of estrogen in the body. Thanks to that, it will reduce the risk of cancer for users.

Note when using é seeds

Note when using é seeds

11. Don't worry about stress

Basil seeds help your nerves relax and relax a lot. No more discomfort or stress. At the same time, it also reduces pain in the migraine region.

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3. Effective folk remedies from basil seeds

You already know the origin of basil seeds, right/ So what about its medicinal uses? Soon there will be the answer!

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