

Update: 6/20/2017


Mangosteen fruit scientifically known as Garcinia mangostana, is widely available in several South East Asian regions like Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam. It is considered as the queen of tropical fruit trees by its beauty and rich in nutrients.

The fruit has three major parts: the deep purple rind; the white edible flesh which is segmented like oranges and the seeds, found within the flesh. The seeds are extremely bitter in taste and are inedible while the flesh has a soft fragance with a sweet taste. The outer shell of mangosteen is rather hard, yet can be opened easily.

The health benefits of mangosteen are known since 18th century. It is a storehouse of essential nutrients which are required for normal growth, development and overall nutritional well being. Here are some of the mangosteen fruit health benefits:

+ Gum disease:

Mangosteen acts as a weapon to fight against the gum disease known as periodontitis. The gel of mangosteen helps to cure gum problems.

+ Menstruation:

Mangosteen can be very useful in reducing premenstrual symptoms like dizziness, mood swings, hypertension, etc. In Malaysia, a mangosteen root decoction is consumed to regulate menstruation.

+ Stomach disorders:

In the state of Philippines, the mangosteen is widely cultivated. They use its leaves and barks for treating diarrhea, dysentery, treat thrush and urinary disorders.

* Now we are supplying high qualty mangosteen with competitive prices.

Below given our product details:


Style: fresh fruit


: A


: purple skin, white flesh


: 0.2kg / piece


: in 10kgs/ carton


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